Welcome to Seekers of Warsaw, IN
Simple...Set apart...Serving
Simple...Set apart...Serving
Your receipt of this gift was no accident. Jesus planned it...just for YOU.
Because, whether you yet believe it or not, He loves you more than you can even begin to imagine.
None whatsoever. It is totally free, and requires no monetary repayment.
It is your choice. You can accept His gift, and just go on with your life as usual; or, on the other hand, you could consider looking more deeply into whether this was truly a heavenly-appointed meeting, or not; and discover what it could mean to you personally, and for eternity.
If He is real, and this is His method of getting your attention, it would definitely be in your best interests to explore Him further. After all, this is the same Guy who created the Heavens, and the Earth. What have you got to lose? ...possibly the chance to be admitted into Heaven, and be with Him for eternity. You will never know if you choose not to try. If He isn't real, you have lost nothing, except possibly a little time, and effort in your search.
Absolutely! We would consider it a great honor to assist in any way possible. At one point in our lives, each person who is associated with our fellowship, made this very same search, and have chosen to devote our lives to following Jesus, and serving others, to the best of our ability.
We are everyday people endeavoring to serve an Amazing Savior, as we minister to any, and all, that He places within our path.
It is our belief that Jesus Christ came to seek, and to save, those who are lost; and that we who have been fortunate enough to have chosen to follow Him, are commissioned, and commanded, to help lead others to this same amazing lifestyle, and help them to have their names also placed in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Our goal is exactly the same as that original church in Jerusalem, nearly 2000 years ago. We simply meet together, deeply study the Word of God, and choose to serve others, as opposed to being served, and entertained. The end result in Jerusalem was that they had favor with all the people, and the Lord added to their church daily those who were also being saved. We believe He will do the same today!
We believe the Book of Acts teaches that the first, pure church in Jerusalem, established by Jesus' Apostles, met in one another's homes; and enjoyed great fellowship, and learning together. We choose to do the same.
There are no paid salaries within our fellowship. All in leadership, do so willingly, and with no desire of being paid. All duties are performed for the Glory of God, and for the hope of future rewards in His Glorious Kingdom.
We pass no offering plates, but trust God's Holy Spirit to inspire those who love Jesus Christ, to give generously, ungrudgingly, and cheerfully. 100% of all donated funds are distributed, as led by the Holy Spirit, to those in need, outside our fellowship. This is accomplished in hundreds of different manners, to both individuals, and worthy organizations. Jesus' instructions to His Apostles, as they began their own personal ministries, was this..."Freely you have received...freely give". We are convinced this is also His direction for any, and all, bodies of Believers.
Acts records that the first church in Jerusalem was fully devoted to learning the Word of God together, and spending time with one another. They had one joint goal, and accomplished it together....that of pooling their resources, and giving freely to anyone who had need. They met regularly, and publicly; eating. and praising God openly. As a result of this, all they ministered to were totally impressed. They needed no gimmicks, beautiful buildings, or fancy programs to draw them in. The Lord brought them in every day, as a result of their faithful, generous service to those in the community. Our goal is to accomplish this in the very same manner, and trust the Lord to give the increase.
When we meet, our time is not geared toward entertaining one another. We spend the majority of our time, in small groups of 10-14 people, sharing our lives in detail, and praying together for one another; and those the Lord has laid on our hearts. The far greatest majority of our time is spent studying deeply, the Truths of God's Holy, and totally Inspired Word; and interacting with one another, by answering any questions which may arise as a result. Our main goal is to become proficient in understanding God's life-changing Word, and learning to convey it to those we come in contact with on a daily basis, who have yet to hear. Jesus' Main Thing, by His own words, was "to seek, and to save, those who were lost". Seekers exists for this same reason.
In the Book of Revelation, only 60-70 years after Jesus had been resurrected, and returned to His Father's Kingdom, He sent a message through the Apostle John to the 7 key churches in Asia. Unfortunately, 5 of those churches had forgotten what they had originally learned, and were regularly "having church", but unbiblically. Jesus was not pleased, and warned them sternly to return to where they had first began, or He would remove them as His representatives on Earth. Our joint goal at Seekers of Warsaw is to do everything within our power to be as similar to that original model as possible.
It means that not everyone will be admitted into Heaven, as so many teach today; unless they obtain the heavenly status of being "born again".
The highest ranking religious leaders of Jesus' day, called Pharisees, were point-blank told, by Jesus Himself, that unless they repented, they would never enter Heaven.
Because the Word of God states that EVERY ONE OF US have sinned, and fallen way short of His requirements for entry into His Kingdom. Realizing, and acknowledging this, is the first step in beginning a personal relationship with God the Father.
PERFECTION! Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen? Have you ever taken His name in vain? Have you ever committed adultery? Just committing any one of these sins, even one time, disqualifies you from entering Heaven.
The really bad news ...you can't. The good news...Jesus is, was, and will eternally be perfect. When He came to Earth, lived a perfect life, and died on the cross of Calvary, He became our perfect sacrifice, and made the way for us.
All have sinned, and come short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:23
There is none righteous...no not one. Romans 3: 10
For the wages of sin is death... Romans 3: 23a
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Romans 3:23
But God commendeth His own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5: 8
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us. 1 John 1: 10
By realizing this very generous gesture on God's part...
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Realize, and admit, that you are a sinner, and need God's forgiveness.
Listen to Jesus. "I tell you...except you repent, ye shall all likewise perish". Luke 13:5
Call upon Jesus...ask Him to forgive you of your past sins, and accept His free gift of salvation, which He purchased, with His perfect blood sacrifice, upon the cross of Calvary.
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:10
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
Thank Him for the rest of your life, by serving Him unashamedly!
CONGRATULATIONS! If you did this, and have made this very important decision, out of a pure heart, with no intention of ever returning to your past lifestyle, the Bible states that you have been "born again".
Now seal it... Go tell someone what you have just done!
It would be our pleasure to meet you!
God Bless!
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